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1998-05-29 09:37:15


New Zealand's Solution: Set Up a Committee



The Prime Minister of New Zealand has taken the bull by the horns. She has called for a committee. And not just a committee. No, sir, a Task Force.

When we hear "task force," we think of convoys of ships in World War II. Well, this is more like a rowboat. It will be given $250,000 (NZ). it is limited to making recommendations. In short, it is a committee without any power.

What it will recommend, nobody in New Zealand knows. But I know. It will tell the Prime Minister that there is a great need for additional committees.

This is from the New Zealand BUSINESS HERALD (May 29). For a fine editorial on what this all means -- more dithering -- click here.

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The Prime Minister has called on businessman Basil Logan to head a task force advising the Government how to handle the year 2000 computer bug. . . .

A spokeswoman for Mrs Shipley said $250,000 had been set aside to fund the initial phase of the task force's work, which was a report to a ministerial steering committee of Mr Williamson, the Minister of Finance, Bill Birch, and the Associate Treasurer, Tuariki Delamere.

The task force is to make recommendations on how the public and private sectors should address the problem and to establish the country's state of readiness.

This week Labour also formed a caucus task force to focus attention on the year 2000 problem. . . .

Marian Hobbs said Mrs Shipley had missed the opportunity to use the Budget to raise awareness, and her task force was too little too late. . . .

John Good from Azimuth Consulting, author of A Survivor's Guide to the Year 2000 Problem, said the task force should not spend too much time studying the problem.

"We are past the time we can ensure everything will work. We must concentrate on contingency planning for when things fall down," he said.


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