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1998-05-05 18:45:40


CIA Specialist Warns of the Threat



The CIA has a specialist in y2k. She is worried about many of the same topics that are on this site, including the power grid.

This is from ABC News (May 5).

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Many countries appear ill prepared for the disruption to basic services that the Year 2000 computer glitch may cause, the head of the Central Intelligence Agency office studying the issue says. "We're concerned about the potential disruption of power grids, telecommunications and banking services" among other possible fallout, especially in countries already torn by political tensions, Sherry Burns said. In an interview with Reuters, she said CIA systems engineers and intelligence analysts were focusing beyond the technical problem of reprogramming computers to recognize dates when the Millennium dawns on Jan. 1, 2000. Instead, the spy agency has begun to collect and analyze information on preparations for the "social, political and economic tumult" that could flow from interruptions of essential services in some fragile societies.


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