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1998-04-30 07:32:18


Empty High Rise Buildings



A modern office building or high rise apartment is opeteted by a PC or by embedded chips. These systems are not 2000-compliant.

A report by an Australian engineering firm sheds some light on what will happen in 2000. Noncompliant buildings will have to be deserted by tenants.

This will cripple businesses (if any) whose managers thought they were compliant.

This is from the AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL REVIEW (April 29).

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According to consultant engineer Norman Disney & Young, the potential computer problems when the century date changes to 2000 have the potential to shut down crucial building services such as lifts [elevators], fire protection and air conditioning, and may empty whole office buildings.

Most of the major CBD towers have computerised building services which will need to be remedied along with the office computer, NDY's Mr Paul Eagling said. . . .

"In most modern commercial office buildings there are more than 25 independent services that may be affected," Mr Eagling said yesterday.

Although the building owner was expected to be responsible for ensuring the property was not affected by the bug, Mr Eagling said tenants also had a responsibility as employers to ensure their staff were not at risk.


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