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1998-04-16 20:32:49


No Problem, Says FAA Official



An official with the Federal Aviation Administration says there will be no problem flying on January 1, 2000.

Right. But what about landing?

This is a Reuters story (April 15).

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WASHINGTON, April 15 (Reuters) - The man responsible for making sure U.S. aviation keeps flying despite the year 2000 computer bug said on Wednesday he would monitor his work from the air on the evening of Dec. 31, 1999.

``This isn't blind faith,'' Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Y2K Program Office Director Ray Long told Reuters.

``This is a logical expression of the confidence I have that each line of code in each of the FAA's computer systems will properly recognize the rollover to the year 2000,'' he said. . . .

With over 250 different computers making up the air traffic control system, the FAA has been struggling to check and fix 23 million lines of computer code. . . .

He plans to be in the air on a regularly scheduled East-West trans-continental flight that Friday evening when Greenwich Mean Time used by the FAA clicks over to 2000.

``The dawning of January 1, 2000 will be just like the dawning of any other day throughout the nation's airspace system and I fully expect this to be a routine but deeply satisfying flight,'' Long said.


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