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1998-04-16 18:29:34


Phone Testing: Mid-1999. Phone-Dependent Companies: Jan. 1998



If companies plan to test their systems in early January, how will they be able to do this if the phone company hasn't tested its systems?

So much for corporate promises of being ready to test on December 31, 1998.

This is from COMPUTERWORLD (April 13).

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Atlanta - Bell Atlantic Corp.'s voice and data networks will be year 2000-compliant in mid-1999, a company official told year 2000 managers last week.

That's good news for New York-based Bell Atlantic, but it isn't good news for some year 2000 managers who represent banks and other companies.

Large banks need to test whether they will be able to transfer money over Bell Atlantic's networks in time to meet a Dec. 31, 1998, compliance deadline set by the Federal Reserve Board. That's six months before the carrier says its network will be ready for thorough testing. . . .

At the conference, year 2000 managers from Bell Atlantic, Bell South Corp. in Atlanta and Alltel Corp. in Little Rock, Ark., described their efforts to become year 2000-compliant. Officials at Bell South and Alltel didn't give dates by which they plan to have preparations complete but said they are confident they will be ready. . . .

Bell Atlantic is spending more than $200 million to prepare for the century date change. . . .

Bell Atlantic also is working with seven other local carriers, including the Baby Bells and GTE Corp. in Stamford, Conn. The companies are part of a group called the Telco Forum.

They plan to nationally test their networks' interoperability by the end of the year.


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