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1998-04-15 19:31:02


Army Steals Food in North Korea



The highest operational law of all civil government is this: pay the army. The army will be paid. If the currency is food, the army will eat. This is being demonstrated in North Korea, where famine now exists.

Cannibalism is taking place.

When social order breaks down, famine appears.

This is from the London TIMES (April 13).

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AN INTERNATIONAL relief agency has reported that some North Koreans have turned to cannibalism as famine continues to sweep the country.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) - Doctors Without Borders - also said corpses were lying in the streets of some cities.

"Our neighbour killed, salted and ate an orphan who nobody cared about," one report from the French agency said. "Our neighbour ate their own daughter in order not to die of hunger," said a 23-year-old man from a village called Buk Cheng, interviewed on the Chinese side of the North Korean border by MSF officials. "It is true, I saw it," added the young man who said that his own father had starved to death. . . .

MSF said a bare minimum of medical and food supplies sent by international aid agencies to North Korea had reached the sick and dying. Most supplies had been consumed by the army or sold by it in spite of efforts by aid groups to monitor distribution, the agency said.

"The majority of the aid goes to army and government cadres but never reaches the common people," said a 34-year-old former North Korean enterprise worker.


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