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1998-04-06 23:10:41


Executive Order: NSC to Take Over Government



President Clinton has signed an executive order (as yet not released to the public) that turns over the US government to the National Security Council in case of an emergency.

Janet Reno opposes it. Think about this. The lone barrier between the abolition of the Constitution and this order is Miss Reno.

This is from Reuters (March 24).

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House has proposed an overhaul of counterterrorism strategy that would concentrate greater power in the National Security Council, the Washington Post reported in Tuesday editions. . . .

Under the proposal, which the paper said had drawn strong criticism from Attorney General Janet Reno, the NSC would have authority over everything from the development of yearly budget plans to rescue efforts after an extremist attack. . . .

According to the report, Reno is concerned that decisions normally left to professional prosecutors might be put in the hands of NSC staff members without law enforcement experience.

The proposal was detailed in a classified presidential decision directive, but National Security Adviser Sandy Berger has promised that it will not be finalized until concerns like Reno's are resolved in cabinet-level discussions, the Post said.


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