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1998-03-10 09:51:23


DFW: The Software Vendor Problem



All large organizations have bought custom software from suppliers. A standard figure is 70 to 100 vendors. If these vendors do not get their software 2000-compliant, the organizations dependent on this software will suffer consequences. Well, let's be honest: one consequence. Bankruptcy. As in "shut down."

The world economy is headed for a gigantic bankruptcy. It's flying high today; it will crash in 2000.

DFW Airport has 90 vendors. There is no mention in this story of any that has delivered compliant software.

This is from the Fort Worth STAR TELEGRAM (March 6).

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D/FW AIRPORT - The airport must spend almost $10 million in the next year and a half to upgrade its computer systems so they won't crash when the calendar changes to 2000, the airport board was told yesterday.

Internal telephone voice mail, computerized parking transactions and runway and taxiway lighting are among 53 major systems that must be updated, a Year 2000 Task Force determined. . . .

In all, 300 components will have to be changed, involving 90 outside vendors, the task force reported.

Among the projects will be major changes to the airport's recently installed Oracle financial operations software.

Airport officials said yesterday that they didn't know why the software vendor did not anticipate the year 2000 problems and deal with them when the software was developed, beginning about four years ago.

Changes also must be made to computers that operate the airport train, automatic employee access doors, inventory-control system, airport utilities and runway weather sensors.


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