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1998-03-09 20:48:02


Illinois: Not Even Close



A committee in the Illinois state legislature is recommending that the legislature create a task force (read: committee) to decide what the government should do about y2k. Deadline for a full report from the task force: December 1, 1998.

Kiss Illinois goodbye. The land of Lincoln has just bought tickets at Ford's Theater.

This appeared in the STATE JOURNAL-REGISTER of Springfield (March 5)

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With the clock ticking closer to the year 2000, an Illinois Senate committee approved legislation Wednesday that would assemble a task force to assess how state agencies will deal with computer problems associated with the new millennium.

The bill sponsored by Sen Kirk Dillard, R-Hinsdale, would require a 20-member group consisting of legislators, local government officials and the director of Central Management Services to report by Dec. 1 on how to deal with the "millennium bug." . . .

The task force would determine how far along Illinois is in the changeover process, offer recommendations and provide a cost estimate. Next year's proposed state budget, introduced by Gov. Jim Edgar last month, sets aside $8 million to help state agencies cope with the millennium change.


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