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1998-02-05 12:38:21


Senior Programmers Are Pessimistic



CIO MAGAZINE is aimed at CIO's: Chief Information Officers. These are the people who are in charge of their organizations' computer operations. A recent poll indicates just how pessimistic they are. Two-thirds of those responding believe that the Year 2000 Problem will not be solved by December 31, 1999.

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A recent CIO Magazine Poll, conducted at CIO's Enterprise Value Retreat, revealed that top technology executives responsible for managing Year 2000 compliance and the high-tech staffing crisis continue to face major obstacles in resolving these crises. The survey of 400 CIOs was conducted during the event held in Dana Point, California.

Business and technology executives who responded to the survey are not confident the Year 2000 problem will be fixed before the turn-of-the-century deadline. Many computer systems, now set up to read years by their last two digits, will lose track of dates as the year 1999 turns to 2000. Of those responding to the poll:

•Nearly 70% are not confident the millennium bug will be fixed by the December 31, 1999, deadline;

•When asked if they would fly on a commercial airline on January 1, 2000, more than 50% either said they would not fly or are unsure about flying on a commercial carrier;

•A full 60% recommend that Americans need to investigate their bank's Year 2000 compliance to ensure the safety of their personal assets;

•Nearly 50% are concerned their job will be in jeopardy if they are unable to fix their company's Year 2000 problem. . . .


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