All Sermons are by The Rev. Sarah York unless otherwise noted.

April 2003 March 2003
Coming Soon

"Where Religion & Reason Meet" 
This sermon delivered a heart to heart talk from Sarah's perspective on the state of our church.

"Treasures of the Heart"
When it comes to money, we all have issues that influence our sense of security. In times when the word "security" may be an anachronism, this is a sermon on the spiritual aspects of our relationship with money. 

"Down-To-Earth Religion"

This sermon explores our organic relationship with the earth. 

February 2003 January 2003

“There’s Always Something to Do in the Garden” (Part II) 


In the second of a series of sermons on growing a healthy congregation, Sarah explored spiritual aspects of commitment to the church community. 

The Shadow Knows” 


The title for this sermon comes from an old radio show; the topic for the sermon is the slippery subject of evil. This sermon is based on a theme in Sarah’s book The Holy Intimacy of Strangers.


"The Sacred Fire of Liberty"

by The Rev. Dr. Mark Ehman


Many often wonder about the most important values of our society--and of our civilization. This sermon looked at one of those values--freedom--both historically and in the present. 

"Blessed Be the Tie that Liberates"


This sermon looks at the family ties that bind and liberate us, teaching us of the power of love. 

If We Don’t Pray, What Do We Do?”
If you do not believe in a divine being who has ears and possesses the power to act in the world on your behalf, you may also feel that prayer is not relevant. This sermon  looks at what prayer is really about.

“Getting Body and Soul Back Together”
In the early centuries of the Christian Church, body and soul got separated, and the body has had a bad rap ever since. This sermon explores how the church influenced our attitudes toward our bodies, consider the consequences, and think about how we can get body and soul back together.

"A Level Playing Field”

Reactions to Senator Trent Lott’s praise for segregationist Strom Thurmond’s 1948 bid for the presidency highlight the issue of civil rights and affirmative action. 

December 2002

November 2002

"The Messiah We Want Is Not The Messiah We Get"
by The Rev. Dr. Mark Ehman
Dr. Ehman explored the great gulf between our expectations and our needs during the first Sunday of advent.

"Kiss the Joy as it Flies"
This sermon explored joy as a spiritual gift that uplifts us even in our times of sorrow or loss using images from the poetry of William Blake and others.

"Do Good Samaritans Need Guns"
This sermon explored the fears surrounding a possible war with Iraq and what has happened to our civil rights since September 11.

"Telling the Truth"
Is it sometimes necessary to lie, or is honesty always the best policy? This is a sermon about the good old fashioned (and considerably abused) virtue of honesty.

"There's Always Something to Do in the Garden"
One of our U.U. principles is “acceptance of one another and encouragement of spiritual growth in our congregations.” In our diverse community, it is sometimes a challenge to create conditions for spiritual growth. As we receive consistently receive new members into the congregation, gardening offers a metaphor for thinking about how we nurture growth in the church.

October 2002 September 2002
"The Tooth that Nibbles at the Soul"
This is a church "where religion and reason meet." American poet, Emily Dickinson, offers an image for the burden of uncertainty that we assume as reasonable people in search of truth and meaning.

"Forgive and Remember"
Even religious liberals experience guilt; and we know the pain of betrayal or estrangement. This sermon addressed the dynamics of guilt and grace, anger and forgiveness.

"Heaven is a Potluck Party"
This sermon is based on a theme from Sarah York's new book, The Holy Intimacy of Strangers. Drawing from experiences of gathering with friends, family or strangers to share food, this sermon explores the meaning, power, and challenges of spiritual community.

"Loving Ourselves"
What gives you fulfillment? What are you called to do with your life? What does your spirit yearn for? This is a sermon about love and work, and living with a sense of purpose.


Copies of the above sermons are available by hardcopy only.

Suggested Donation: $1.00 per sermon to cover copying and mailing costs.

Ordering Information: To order a copy of a sermon listed on this page, contact Millisa Bell by:

phone: 239-561-2700
Mail: 13411 Shire Lane, Ft. Myers, FL 33912

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