
The faculty and staff of the Lee County High Tech Center North welcome you to our school. We hope your attendance I the educational program of your choice will make it possible for you to achieve success in your career goals.

Both students and school personnel must work together for you to gain from the educational experience. The school has the responsibility of providing the highest quality training program; the student has the responsibility of taking advantage of this opportunity. A cooperative effort must be maintained in order for you to benefit from your program.

Mission Statement

The mission of the school is to prepare students for employment by providing quality, technology-oriented education delivered by a professional, caring staff in a positive learning environment.


The County High Tech Center North is open to all persons 16 years of age or older who are interested in vocational education as preparation for employment and have the ability to benefit from the program selected. The high school diploma or GED is a prerequisite to some programs.

Qualified student applying for admission to the majority of programs are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the year.

Students from local high school in grades 10-12 may enroll in a vocational program as a segment of high school education on either a full or part-time basis, and may receive high school elective credits for the program from their home school. High school students must meet the same admission requirements as other students. High school students repeating the ninth grade are admitted as need and space allow.