Administrative Assistant Program . . . . . . . . Mrs. DeGeeter

The administrative Assistant Program at High Tech North is geared to selfpaced and individualized instruction. The students work very hard to learn well and develop the skills necessary to reenter the computerized office environment. Many of my instructional methods are geared to teaching the individual to be selfreliant as preparation for the time they will be "on their own on the job" and are responsible for quality work.

Student. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mary E. Smith

I have found the teachers at this school truly interested in helping me to achieve everything I hoped I would when I enrolled. They have been extremely helpful, patient, wellinformed, and eager to listen to me and help me to reach my goals. They made me feel comfortable and encouraged me every step of the way to the professional career that I wanted. They assured me that I would go away from these classes confident with the machines that I would learn and how I would feel about my accomplishments when I was through and they were right.

Mary E. Smith was selected by the City of Cape Coral for an internship at the City

Managers Office.

Student. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suzanne Rangel

My name is Suzanne Rangel I am now taking the Administrative Assistants class. I enjoy this class very much! I decided to go into this class because the class has a lot to offer me. For example this class has to offer me: I enjoy computers a lot I feel that they are very important skills to have in today's society. When I am in class the most favorite things I enjoy doing are typing. I feel that this is an area that I do the best at. I enjoy working with WordPerfect 5.1 because it has so much to offer me. And it teaches me a lot of new things. I am the type of person who enjoys research work a lot. Finding new indentures interests me a lot. I feel that having these skills in computers will help me to accomplish things I never thought I could accomplish. Education is a very important thing to me because without it you do not go very far. This class is teaching me all sorts of different things about the business world. My teacher is very helpful and makes sure we are very prompt about our work this is very important to me.

Student. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dana Diehl

The Administrative Assistant Program is designed for those who are interested in the secretarial field. Just imagine having the opportunity to gain needed office skills in just two semesters. Then exiting with a great employment opportunity.

The teachers and those of administration are very much concerned with the future of their students. The atmosphere is very professional and this is shown in the professional dress code that is enforced here.

The skills and technology that is learned and also used here is uptodate and will continue to be updated as new software is developed.

I would encourage anyone and everyone to attend High Tech Center Northit's a great experience!

Student. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sandra Gabelbauer

I think that the Administrative Assistant class is a good class to enroll in. You will learn all of the skills you will need to know in order to get a good office job. It is very essential to have computer skills nowadays and to know WordPerfect, Windows, and Lotus. Learning to take dictation with Speed writing will give you an edge over the competition. Besides learning the above skills and more, you learn how to dress for an interview and how to write a professional looking resume.

Student. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Holt

My name is Barbara Holt. I am a fulltime student at High Tech Center North and presently enrolled in the Administrative Assistant program. One of the things I have been most impressed with is that the education goes farther than the course the student enrolls in. The instructors "polish" the student(s) by having them attend business seminars. The seminars include topics from writing the perfect resume to what to wear on the interview. Secondly, I am fascinated by the way that all the equipment and programs are uptodate, and are continuously revised to keep this obligation. Finally, I enjoy the professional environment that is required of every student that attends this school. First impressions are important, looking sharp and being well prepared is the first thing your future employer notices.