The Apple II the first mass market microcomputer

The Apple II, introduced in 1977, signaled the end of the first phase of the microcomputer revolution. The Apple II came fully assembled and ready to use. It was designed to be mass produced with a molded plastic case. It's designer, Steve Wozniak set out to build a powerful yet affordable computer. The Apple II like the Apple I that came before it, was designed around the MOS Technology 6502 microprocessor which was available for around $20 in small quantities at the time the intel 8080A cost over $150. The system was designed to attach to a television with the aid of a device called a RF modulator. The system could be expanded to hold as much as 48K of ram and contained BASIC in ROM. The Apple II would enjoy many years of success, finally being replaced by an enhanced version the Apple //e in 1983.

The Business Apple - The Apple III