Technical Statistics and Analysis

This table shows the total number of hits for the site, how many were successful, how many failed, and calculates the percentage of hits that failed. It may help you in determining the reliability of the site.

Technical Statistics and Analysis
Total Hits 254,266
Successful Hits 237,114
Failed Hits 17,152
Failed Hits as Percent 6.74%
Cached Hits 38,780
Cached Hits as Percent 15.25%

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 This table shows the total number of hits for the site, how many were successful, how many failed, and calculates the percentage of hits that failed. Failed hits are hits where a server or client error occurred. Cached hits are those where the page was found in the cache of the browser, so the server did not need to transfer the file.

 This section is useful in determining the reliability of the site.

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