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You have successfully completed the registration and are now qualified to download the text.  For your convenience, we have provided the manuscript in Rich Text Format, a format that most any word processor can handle.  To download the book to your computer, simply follow these simple steps.

1.  Right Click the "Download" button
2.  If you are using Netscape Navigator/Communicator select the "Save Link As" Option
3.  If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, select the "Save Target As" Option
4.  Select the folder into which you wish to place the file
5.  Click "Save"

Hint:  You may wish to download the book onto a floppy disk.  If so, just select the "A Drive" of your computer.  This will result in a slower download time, but will keep the book on its own floppy disk.

Happy Reading!

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725 West Cape Coral Parkway
Cape Coral FL 33914

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