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A Conversation with Victor

What is your definition of immortality?
It is not a simple phrase to explain.  It is the level of highest development. Not only as the mortal advances, but also, many stages of development of which you are not aware. This may include many instances of teaching others, learning from teaching, being taught by more advanced souls, and eventually reaching a state of development as creative as our infinite source of creativity. There is more to development than customary thoughts of good and evil.

Surely the choices we make are important to our development in the sense one choice has desirability or an advantage over an alternate choice.
The choices will alter the circumstances in which you learn - not at all what you learn. Your development may be 'fast' or 'slow' but eventually (you) will come to the same destination.

I'm sure I have botched it when I've attempted to describe a metaphysical guide to my friends. How would you properly describe yourself?
Just another plane of existence. We all know - we have several levels of consciousness - don't we?? Just as we have levels of consciousness in this plane - we have several planes in which to exist. I am a source outside your own consciousness and am your guide and 'connection' to Universal Consciousness. Surely 'man' is not ignorant enough to believe "this is IT."

Prior to each incarnation does the soul really intend to enjoy his life? This doesn't seem likely as millions are born into such human depravation. Is it possible they are unaware of choosing better?
Many choose 'less than perfect' circumstances in which to learn a particular lesson.

Why was Earth created so long after the creation of souls? Surely not just to provide a lesson in toxic waste, land-fill and forestry management.
No - not expressly for pollution but for some 'stress' lessons that are not prevalent in any other planet. The atmospheric pressure - along with many other conditions makes it essential for all to co-operate in the delicate balance of its survival - this is more a 'testing ground' for patience - survival under pressure - so on - than many other planes.

You have mentioned several times that entities on the other planes do not have physical form. What is the purpose of mortals association with physical form on this plane - Earth?
The purpose on earth is to experience sensory stimuli but not just for stimulation. It is also to make you aware that there are 'things' beyond the realm of those you can see, feel, touch, taste, etc. The next step of course would be emotions as love, hate, empathy, envy, sorrow, joy, doubt, confidence, and on and on.

Why are man's senses limited, resulting in limits to his perception?
The only limitations are those you allow. There is no 'outside' limit to perception.

You're trying to tell me nicely that my feelings of self-worth are determining my goals.
Your choices are an interpretation of your own worth. Are you now feeling you have had your just due? That you deserve only what you've got? You eliminate what you cannot conceive as being your own (are you worthy? etc.). Where do you perceive 'bounds'? What you perceive - you achieve.

What function will a revitalized body have emerging from cryogenics? Should the entity return to it?
I myself do not understand the purpose of using an 'old body.' Revitalized or not, I would still prefer a brand new model. As for the entity returning: perhaps in a rare case, but generally the entity has gone far beyond the level of that body. In the case of 'clones' their probable use will be for servants of a master for they will never have an original thought.

This suggestion of yours, CHOICE, is going to be a difficult one for society to accept. Their first impression on hearing this advice will be, "Well, if it's that easy I'll have some of this, one of those - give me it all!" What's the limiting factor? What's to limit me?
The factor is that when you realize the choice - you only choose that which will truly satisfy you! You will know by your happiness, joy, contentment and mirth. If you feel closer to your lessons and the (milestones) achievements - you will feel more confident about continuing with new enthusiasm. It eliminates gluttony - greed - envy and so on.

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