Owner's Forum - Private Area
Last Update: 9/5/02

Owner's Comments

(Note to Linda Dettery our new President)
Congratulations on being elected President of our units. My best wishes for your continued Success. It seems the Board, at least in the past, have created a situation regarding the owners having the right to rent or sell their units through sources other than those supported by the Board of directors. As an owner I am reluctant to pay 35% commission to the in house rental/sales office and feel it is time to work out some solution to this problem. It is, in my opinion, an unnecessary infrigement on an owners rights to dispose of their property. Please entertain at your next meeting of the board a solution to these owners problems. It seems at times the owners wishes have taken second place to the decisions of "Hospitality". Thanks for your willingness to serve as our president. Bob Timmins Owner of 210G, week 38 and 207G week 35

Questionnaire Responses

I could care less about the slide but feel a large %age of our owners have young children and it would be important to those having children . If enough owners want to keep it I would vote yes, keep the slide. I would be in favor of buying the pool at a fair price. Isn't it part of our contract with Hospitality that they MUST keep the pool open?
Subject: Re: Casa Ybel July update

Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 15:56:14 EDT
From: LWLARCHT@aol.com
To: carl@casaybel.com
Great job Carl. We really enjoy your updates. We too went to Europe last
month. Paris, Normandy and London. Went to the D-Day landings Beaches. As
far as purchasing the 'pool area', we are in favor of it.What do you think it
would cost? And how come there's no insurance for the slide ? Was this all
of a sudden? The kids LOVE the slide. It was a "passage of rites " over the
years to be finally old enough to go down it!! Thanks again for all your
hard work with this wonderful web site. Pam and Laurence Lane; I159, wk 27

Subject: Re: Casa Ybel July update
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 06:38:53 EDT
From: JoeBarky@aol.com
To: carl@casaybel.com
The water slide has beenn an attraction that draws people with children to
Casa Ybel. My kids are out of the house, but i still would hate to do
something that might effect the mix of vacationers at Casa Ybel. Too many
"adult" (I won't say elder) resorts that frown on kids the way it is. What
are the numbers to purchase pool and pay insurance.
What a sad statement about our society that litigation fear has such an
effect on fun. A park in my town was going to remove an old fire truck that
generations had played on because of insurance costs for liability.
Joe Barkmeier

Carl: I would be very supportive of investigating the purchase of the pool area. Please encourage the Board to pursue this. Thanks. Appreciate your interest and the efforts you have put in to the web site. John Barney (Owner of Week 11-Unit 141F)

Thanks for the update Carl. Yes, I wish the pool, tennis courts and front office building were owned by the interval owners. They can keep Thistle Lodge... :-) Things would certainly be simpler and probably less costly. When I mention our yearly assessment fees to owners at other Florida time shares, they are incredulous. I know people that own at Tortuga, Sanibel Cottages and another resort on Ft. Myers Beach and they claim theirs is considerably less. If I didn't love the Casa Ybel experience so much, I'd sell and use that money at another place. Logically, it would certainly make some sense. Anyway, I appreciate your ongoing concern and participation on behalf of the ownership. Bob PS. The slide is (was) great. It's a shame to see it go.

Dear Mr. Appelberg, I have sent the following email to the board members with email addresses: We were very disturbed to hear via Carl's website that Casa Hospitality is closing the water slide at our beautiful pool. This can't be! It's such a wonderful addition to the resort. Can't the owners pick up the increase in insurance costs? Surely you can come up with a solution quickly that will rectify the situation. We care!! Our grandkids would be heartbroken and so would their gramma. Here's what happens as a "knee jerk" reaction. My husband immediately said, "If that beautiful place is going to go down in quality maybe we better sell our investment and get out of there.". Please don't let this happen long term. It sure would be nice to get Casa Hospitality out of the situation where I feel we're often being blackmailed so they can cover their investment. They probably paid too much initially and now are threatening us. This is very troubling. We've been owners since 1980. Lucia Haas

Carl: While It would be nice to keep the slide there are MANY issues regarding owning the pool area alone. I am in the insurance business and am surprised we have been able to keep it this long,. In addition, I am surprised we have not had to fence the pool area. I think it would be difficult to obtain separate coverage for just the pool area and the slide as usually this is part of a package program for the resort. Whi would own/maintain the food area? In any event, this is not a good idea. [George Hensley] George

Subject: Re: Casa Ybel July update
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 11:21:07 EDT
From: Jbw1478@cs.com
To: carl@casaybel.com
I would support the pool and slide proposal.

Subject: Re: Casa Ybel July update
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:10:59 EDT
From: ShellerJan@aol.com
To: carl@casaybel.com
Dear Carl,
A. Yes, we would like to keep the slide. When we purchased our unit in
1978, we had the high diving board. It was removed because of the cost of
insurance. At that time we still had the small diving board which was great
fun for young and older people. Then that was removed because of insurance.
Now -- the slide. How much could the insurance be on a slide? The children
need something to play on, and the slide is fantastic. Let's do whatever it
takes to keep the slide.
Robert C. Lenzen, Owner of Weeks 18, 49 and 50.

Hello Carl,
To answer your questions about the water slide and the pool:
A. We have no interest in keeping the water slide. It's never been overly used, and the high insurance just isn't worth it. It's also somewhat dangerous to the people swimming in the pool if they're not constantly watching for people coming down the slide.
B. We can't answer this question about purchasing the pool area without knowing how much more it is going to cost us per year. Quite frankly, we believe that are dues are already excessive. It would be helpful if you could give us some idea of what the cost will be per owner.
Thanks so much,
Phil & Diana Love

keep slide get rid of Casa Ybel Hospitality.

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Subject: from Doreen Robinson wk 28 g201
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 10:31:35 EDT
From: WROB4921@aol.com
To: Carl@casaybel.com
Hi Carl,
Just want to relay that my husband and I are very disappointed that Casa
Hospitality is trying to take away the slide. We have owned for 15 years
and our children had enjoyed the diving board as well as the slide. What the
unit owners should keep in mind is that they purchased their timeshare as a
family place to vacation. If the children aren't happy neither are the
parents - so how does this make for a happy time. I would like to see my
grandchildren enjoy this place too! Let's get cracking on these guys and
get the pool area in our possession. Sincerely Doreen & Bill Robinson

Subject: Pool Purchase?
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 19:55:39 -0400
From: "Paul L. Rohlf" <105617.276@compuserve.com>
To: Carl J Appelberg <carl@casaybel.com>
Carl---Karen and I were shocked to hear of the plans by Hospitality to tear
down the water slide. Or has it already occured?? Our kids and now our
grandchildren love that slide.
Yes, I think the owners should try to buy the pool. The claim that
the insurance cost is too great surely sounds suspicious. It is another
indication of a disconnect between Hospitality and the owners. I would
request the Board to do what they can to block this action, to seek to
purchase the pool if possible. Paul L. Rohlf

Subject: Casa Ybel July update
Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 15:14:49 -0400 (EDT)
From: edsealy@webtv.net (Ed Sealy)
To: carl@casaybel.com
CC: maryjo7@webtv.net
Dear Carl:
We were shocked to learn that the people who operate the recreation
facilities at Casa Ybel could shut down the water slide unilaterally. I
urge the Board to protest this action at once.
I doubt that many of us realized when we purchased our units that these
facilities were not included. By all means, we urge you and the other
board members to pursue this vigorously.
Incidentally, the development where we live (Riverwood) in Port
Charlotte has recently retained a firm with the name Coral Beach to
operate its golf club and restaurant. The firm states that it manages
Casa Ybel. If true, what services do they perform for us?
Thanks for your work in our behalf and for keeping us informed about
Casa Ybel!
Ed Sealy

Carl, my opinion is that your undertaking to “save the slide” and “own the pool” and “pay for insurance” is short-sighted.It’s not a matter of being able to afford to pay the insurance for the slide, but a matter of insurance underwriting for the exposure of having slides and/or diving boards in the first place.If I correctly recall, Casa Ybel is part of a “master” insurance policy for the Hilton hospitality properties.As such it has very high insurance limits (albeit shared amongst properties possibly) and competitive rates. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to purchase insurance for hospitality properties these days?I do.I’m an insurance agent, and at one time I was involved in placing the liability insurance program for then-Marine Group, Inc., including Casa Ybel.My advice:drop the slide issue!There are more important monetary things to worry about than whether kids have a slide to use.
Ellen Segal

Thanks for your E mail about the slide. We would be in favour of pursuing ownership of the pool. Joan & George Shaw Weeks 46 & 47. Our daughter Wendy Shaw owns Wks 10&11 G224 and would also vote in favour of pursuinf ownership of the pool.

Yes, Carl I am interested in passing out cards during my week. Also, will need more information on the cost of owning our own pool area with upkeep. Will this lower our present maintenance fees which are already too high? Let me have your input. I would love to communicate with the board, my email address is available for forwarding to interested board members to talk to me...We went to Greece this year for a wedding but plan on going to Italy, especially the Northern part, Tuscany, in the Spring. Send me any and all information you have on how you made your travel arrangements, B&B's, cafe's, tours. Thanks for your help.
Sunny Simone

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Oh my gosh! They shut down the slide! That's the best part of Casa Ybel! Sorry. I'm over 50 and I LOVE that slide! (okay, okay, I love the beach and the view and the ambience of the place, but the slide was the cat's meow...)Whatever you/we can do to save it./ get it back.
Emily Sopensky
The Iris Company
923 E. 39th St.
Austin, TX 78751
512 452 2448
512 452 8950 f

Subject: Re: Casa Ybel July update
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 20:46:31 EDT
From: Vinterv@aol.com
To: carl@casaybel.com
Hi Carl. Would be intereswted in how much the insurance is. We now have to
put up ith all the noise from the weddings on Sat night. They must be
makeing a lot of money on this and feel the slide is a trade. Am sure that
they would not like the residents to strart calling the police because of
the noise. Would be interested in your reply. Dr. VanDrake(multiple units)
Please give your comments to the following questions: A: Would you like to keep the slide? Absolutely! It is a highlight for our grandchildren, as it was for our children before them. B: Could we establish a forum amongst owners to pursue a purchase of the pool area? I would be in favor of purchasing all of the "amenities", and, if just the pool, YES to that, too! Our fees for using it is already excessive, and we 3500 owners could afford to maintain the pool area properly, and improve the dilapidated rest rooms. C: I will use your inputs, and if positive, try to persuade the board, and get some action. As usual, our thanks are due to you, Carl..... Garry Wilbor 223G, 13-14 (Original owners)

With regards to your last e-mail concerning the pool slide. Your questions were:
A: Would you like to keep the slide?
B: Could we establish a forum amongst owners to pursue a purchase of the pool area? Our fees for using it is already excessive, and we 3500 owners could afford to maintain the pool area properly, and improve the dilapidated rest rooms. ...and since you wanted opinions, here is mine... While I do understand the need to bring all owners together to support any project, I think that getting involved in purchasing any type of liability insurance to cover a pool slide may be excessive. You stated in your e-mail that "Our fees for using it is already excessive", wouldn't purchasing the liability insurance the pool/slide also be considered excessive? I don't believe our fees would be reduced with these purchases, but rather increased. I also don't believe the owners should "purchase the pool". What is going to happen if "Casa Ybel Hospitality" decides to close the pool side bar? Will the owners buy that too? or the wading pool, or areas of the parking lot? This may also present some type of risk or personal liability to all owners at some point. While "Casa Ybel Hospitality" may actually be able to afford the insurance on the slide, but chooses not to is anyone's guess. However, asking that owners now extend additional resources to keep it going, when most owners are only present one or two weeks out of the year seems disproportionate. While I have never used the slide (or intend to), I would like to see the slide remain, however, if needs demand that it be taken down, that would be OK too. I do, however, think the bathrooms and some walking areas around the pool should be updated or repaired. Perhaps eliminating the slide would allow "Case Ybel Hospitality" to better afford to have these repairs done. Just thought I'd give my opinion. Thanks.

Carl – I would be most happy to assist you in passing out cards at our next visit. Your voice has been most appreciated and it must continue.
Re: the pool. The swimming pool slide at Casa Ybel is like the Statute of Liberty.It is a memory our children will carry with them for the rest of their lives ( not to mention many adult sliders) The desire to share these experiences with the next generation is what continues to bring waves of new faces to Casa Ybel. It must be preserved and maintained.

Carl – I am certain I do not possess a complete set of facts surrounding the decision to contract our front office administration to Casa Ybel Hospitality, but this seems to be another decision in a long line of decisions which have diminished the personality and personal feeling one used to enjoy at Casa Ybel. This seems to be a very short sighted decision.
IF the slide is closed, what do we do with this eyesore? Tear it down? At what cost? Now we have normal pool like any other resort. Casa Ybel will be raped of its personality. What is next? The pool bar?
As an owner of two weeks, I will gladly pay an additional $20 in annual dues designated solely to insurance to save the slide and pool maintenance.If 3500 owners would agree that is $70,000. I am well connected in the special risk area of insurance and feel the additional insurance to cover the slide will be no where near that amount of money.If I can help let me know and lets put a stop to this continual destruction of the Casa Ybel we have all enjoyed and want to share with our grandchildren.
If it costs more to maintain our memories, so be it.Those who can not afford it, may sell, but if properly explained, will understand.
William P. Black

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My kids will be very disappointed if the slide is removed. I would consider any proposition in buying the pool and renovating the area.Keep us informed.Thanks again,
Mary Ann Maggio

Carl & other FGH Board members:
While I am not up on what insurance might cost for keeping the slide, I enjoy watching children (many of them children of people who were "children" when we started coming to Casa 20 years ago) use it. I certainly remember both diving boards, the natural appearance of Sea Grapes and Mangroves, AND the promise that there would be lighted tennis courts if the plans to build additional courts at the IJK end of the tennis complex were foregone. I would heartily support the purchase of all the amenities, AND operation of the facility with our own staff. Surely we could pay people well and operate this facility at a lower cost than we currently are paying. As the former President of a Condo Association (one of 31 buildings) which chose to not renew the contract of the Developer's multi-level management company, I found that we immediately were able to reduce owner's fees by 30% AND increase services. After 7 buildings chose the same route, the Developer sold out to a private firm in Dallas, but amazingly, the fees stayed low and services improved. Fees are just now back upto what they were 8 years ago but the facility is vastly improved and property values are up at least 50%. We CAN do it! Let's get some real numbers for purchase and management.
Carl Plaskett
St. Petersburg, FL

Hi Carl, We are for purchasing the pool. Count us in on the activity and any related costs to insure the slide. That is a highlight at Casa! Regards, Milan & Donna Milivojevic I want to register my support for keeping the slide. For my six children, the slide has always been the "best part" of the pool area. Please urge them not to remove it!

Dear Carl:
Once again thanks for this information. I do not understand how they can just shut down the slide. It is one of the biggest draws to our resort. Is the camel getting his nose in the tent. Will they next shut down the pool!!!!! What was sold to them? and does the contract say? How can they just say "sorry" we ran out of money. I don't know why that part was ever sold off. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The owners should own the entire kit-and-caboodle. The front desk, rental, sales, kids club, shop by pool and maybe even the restaurant should all be owned by the owners. The shop and the restaurant could then be rented out. The first items though should definitely not be under anyone else's direction except for the owners. (I guess you can tell, I am a bit peeved!) Can you check, as a board member, under what right they can do that? thanks
Barbara Wonser unit 201-weeks 13, 14, 15

From: LLPERK@aol.com
To: carl@casaybel.com
I would support purchase of the pool. After all we paid for a substantial
part of the repairs to a pool we don't even own and which the owners claim
they receive no revenue from. Thanks for keeping me informed.

Unsure about the slide deal. Yes, my 9 year old misses it. But I don't know what it would take to support it through the owners. We're already paying quite a bit. Anyway, with regards to the "share the website" cards, I'd be happy to do so, though it will have to wait until week 25/26 in 2003!! So please send them to me.

From: JOHNOD00@aol.com
To: carl@casaybel.com

Hi, as owners of 3 units and with our extended family of seven kids under the age of 12, we are very distressed to hear this news of the slide demise! Please, have the board consider recommendations on keeping the slide under purchase and management of the owners. Thanks Carl, for keeping everyone informed!
The Kings Jim, Cindy, Matt and Kevin

We think you have a good suggestion in the owners purchasing the pool area. We own Weeks 12 & 13 in Unit 181, and Week 14 in Unit 179. Thanks for all your effort in keeping the Web site going.
Sam & Ann Vasiu

From: Mitchell.J.Sullivan@Dartmouth.EDU (Mitchell J. Sullivan)
Just back from vacation. Yes, we would like to keep the slide and would be interested in buying the pool area and paying insurance for the slide, assuming it was affordable.
The Sullivans

We are certainly interested in finding out why our costs are so high at Casa Ybel. On a $700.+ x 52 weeks, this would mean over $36,000 per year per unit. Both taxes and maintenance etc. seems extraordinary!
Owners of weeks 12, 48, 49.
Tom and Carol Stuart

Dear Carl,
I own 155, week 28.
I was unable to attend the owners meeting while there as I had to go to the airport.
I was very disappointed in the changes taking place. Every year there is less and less. I was especially troubled by the slide fiasco. The other problems most all have to with the pool side bar.
1. If you approach with a drink to talk to a friend, you are sent away.
2. The price for drinks are outrages.
3. You can no longer get ice there.
4. You can't get a sandwich after 5 (only full course meals). I'm surprised you don't have to be appropriately dressed.
I realize these are not that big a thing to most, however it seems Hilton has made the place a lot less friendly than its old warm self. I really dislike the big hotel atmosphere and appears as if Casa Ybel is turning more and more to that.
I just wanted to voice my opinion.
Ralph Armold

We are the owners of 2 units during week 16 and have been coming to Casa
Ybel for over 10 years - my kids have grown up there and we love it. But I
have to acknowledge that I too have been disappointed over the running of
the pool area, regardless of who is in charge. The poolside itself is well
maintained, but the attention from the recreation staff, snack bar and
rental shack can be improved, especially now that peak season rentals are
over $3,000 per week - that's luxury resort territory! The poolside bar
should be a welcoming place for guest to enjoy a reasonably priced drink and
some snacks. Instead it is uninviting and expensive with no consistency
from year to year. One year they have popcorn, the next they don't, one
year they have ice cream, the next they don't, one year the have poolside
service, the next they don't.

The recreation staff could be a huge value added if they would provide
additional programs and other creative methods for guest involvement. We
are there during a peak school vacation week, there are tons of teenagers
and nothing organized (what is the volley ball net up for anyway?). Is the
rec staff being paid just to run the Casa Kids program, which is to say the
least stale, or to help coordinate programs for all guests. Again,
sometimes they do poolside events, sometimes they don't. Who pays them
anyhow? Also, I feel the charges for the activities they do run are a
little on the high side, but I don't know the economics of running the
program. As for the rental shack, they could be just be a little more
helpful in assisting with outside activities, there is no one at the resort
to assist or provide advice on boat rentals, parasailing, fishing, etc.

Now, I cannot believe that the slide has come down! I find that totally
outrageous. My kids live on that thing. I have tried to follow the who's
who in running Casa Ybel over the years and have to admit total confusion,
but if the owners do not have a voice in the property's amenities then what
am I paying for - I guess this is one of the big downsides of timesharing
you hear about. I am disappointed and anxiously await the owners meeting
for my week next year.

Vincent Fabiani
Week 16

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Hi Carl.
This maybe too late to share our opinion, but we have owned at
Casa Ybel for 13 years, and my children have grown up on that slide!!
Please keep it and we vote to buy the pool as well. We owners can get
together and make the pool area look even better.
The Cashes week 13 F151

We are very disappointed to hear the news about the pool coming down at the resort. We have been owners for over 15 years with now 4 condos and our kids truly enjoy the pool and look forward to going down it each year. Please reconsider the demolishing of the slide or if it must come down, then replace it with some other water toy for the kids to enjoy.
Thank you,
The DeCamps

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Hi Carl,
I've just found this website and appreciate the chance to voice my opinion about the waterslide.Like a lot of families, we do quite a bit of traveling with our family and have seen that there has been a big increase in hotels with indoor and outdoor waterslides. What I don't understand is why Casa Hospitality can't seem to pay and manage one small slide, when it's one of the most popular attractions now at many hotels around the United States and Canada. Other hotels and resorts that are much smaller than Casa Ybel are able to maintain indoor slides that are larger. If Casa Hospitality feels like it can get away with removing the slide and reducing their cost, they will. We need to voice our opinion as owners and users of Casa Ybel.
Jane Kaefer

nice job !!
WISHING EACH AND ALL A VERY HAPPY SUMMER...Enjoy each and every day !!!
Jan Paytas
World Wide Travel Inc.
288 Lancaster Ave Malvern Pa 19355
610 644 3000 fax:610 644 5919 24hr fax : 610 647 6288
***A Vacation.com Member Agency***
email: janpaytas@aol.com or Wwtrvl@aol.com

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How do I get word to the Board and management that I and my family, who
have been owners for fifteen years, deeply value that water slide. It's a
great source of fun and entertainment for all of our children. We would
hate to see it go.

Please feel free to forward this message to the appropriate authorities.
Paul Reville
Pew Forum
Harvard Graduate School of Education
8 Story St.
Cambridge, Ma. 02138
Phone: 617 496-4823
Fax: 617 496-6361

Your reply has a air of bitterness; nonetheless, thank you for your prompt response. How did/does the rest of the board recollect the meeting and the paragraph in question? For the record, I have met Mr. Jackson on several occasions, and have only found him to be honest, hard-working, respectful on my ownership, and a champion for the timeshare owners.

Carl, Didn't you sign the agreement as well? Interesting that you now argue with something you were personally responsible for. Where does your loyalty to the board begin and end?

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This is the heart of the problem. If I had seen that paragraph, I would never have voted for it.
I am challenging the fact that the contract was presented to the board for a true discussion before President Jackson signed it. He alone signed it, with no date or witnesses, which we normally have.
I have the recollection that Reg Billups (of Hilton) did not show us the contract, just cited the basic wording only, due to the fact that it was needed for Hilton to obtain office space in our front office.
(Hospitality had asked Hilton to move out when they purchased their part of Casa Ybel.)
It was presented according to the minutes at the conclusion of a long board meeting that had to be ended, as we were getting ready for the annual meeting following lunch the same day. The minutes do not reflect any discussion of the restrictions to the board.
The Hilton kept the continuation of the unit sales, while Hospitality took the rentals. They divided the prize and added the paragraph not allowing the board to inform owners of other rental choices.
This is my observation, and the minutes do not contradict this, as the restrictions to the board were not included in the minutes.
I think this is unfair to the owners who now are loosing thousands of $$$ in rentals.
I have an owner on record saying he has 5 weeks in the peak season, and lost more than $5,000 taken in commission, as he could not use the weeks that year. He was not informed about the web site.
Thanks for your observation

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Carl – You keep giving the board hell!They have not kept the owners properly informed for years.You now bring the truth to us.
William P. Black

E-Mail: Carl@CasaYbel.com

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